Change To exist is to change and mature, to mature is to go on creating ones self endlessly. All change, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. One must never loose time in vainly regretting the past or in the change which causes us discomfort, for change is the essence of life.
My Guides 2.11
He was sad because he wanted you to fully be there during all the act and he new that u wanted it just as bad as he did....
Today is a day of mourning and celebrating all in one for you. 2 steps forward 1 step back. Life is beautiful, open your heart and empty out your pain. Let us be the wings and lets take your life on a beautiful flight. We cant do this without you, hang your tired heart on us, we will carry you for a while. You are so close to taking off..we are proud of you! You are worth every effort, so move forward an we'll help carry your heart.
My Guides 2 27 11
What happens when true love reaches the soul and lets it beat to its own rythem. Thats when you really will learn the being of another.
Rose 3 8 11 Lil Mano
She said she loves you so much and you are beautiful Rose Mama Eola 4. 11
She said she held your hands while you slept 2 days ago...said u were sad... and another time when you went to sleep with tears rolling from your eyes. Rose, Mama 4.11
They herad your prayers or wish and are granting it....purple underware... 3.29.11 Rose, Guides
Got to a like church and pray on your knees 5 prayers. 1 to ask God to cut the ties and your agreements and ask for forgiveness for not understanding faith in other lives and all the blameness and harm it did. 2 for Ty 3 for Lil mano 4 for me 5 for everyone else I have hurt through this action.
Rose, My Guides answer on how to break the commitment and ties to the christen man in the robe.
I went to St Joseph this morning. After I txt Rose and the time it sent was 11:11am. My confirmation the ties and commitments is broken! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!! May they all find great peace within their souls, their spirits!